District & Diocese Heads

Real-time insight for informed decisions.

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District-wide Data at Your Fingertips

Superintendents get a district/diocesan gateway with on-demand access to powerful reports, including demographics, academic performance, attendance, and student data from any school in the district or diocese. Run reports for all of your schools, or for specific sub-groups which can be configured by staff members. Custom development is also available to suit your particular needs, so contact us today.

District and diocese admins can send emails to five different built-in groups directly through their district portal. Reaching groups like staff, parents, new enrollees, and more just got a whole lot easier.

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Contact Emily Beckman

We started with my school and now have expanded to our sister schools all over Florida! Gradelink allows the corporate office to oversee all the ten schools from one central location.

– Barbara C.

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