A number of private schools have used public funds to purchase Gradelink through their local school district. While we would love to provide you with the exact steps to follow, the process will vary for each school based on location and other factors. Fortunately, most schools have been able to use the same general pattern outlined below.
The Local School District
Independent schools that have received funding for Gradelink student information system through the public school district reported the following. Even though they operated as a private school, they were zoned with the local school district and were eligible to receive funding from the state. To receive funding they:
- Submit a plan to the school district detailing what products/services they need, how much they cost, how they will be used, and the name of the vendor providing them. Typically this is due by December of each year, but the dates vary. The district then submits the private school’s plan along with the plans of public and charter schools as part of an overall district plan.
- The district plan is submitted to the state. If approved, the state sends funding to the district, which then sends the money directly to the vendor described in the plan. Since funds are not given directly to the private school, it is important to ask for a quote for a 12-month period of time instead of a monthly quote.
What is EANS?
EANS stands for The Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools I came out of the December 2020 CRRSA (Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations) Act. EANS I requires that funds be obligated within 6 months and spent no later than Sept. 30, 2022, with an additional year available if requested by the state (meaning funds can be available until Sept.30, 2023). EANS II also requires that funds be obligated within 6 months; they must be spent no later than Sept. 30, 2023, with an additional year available if requested by the state (allowing spending until Sept. 30, 2024).
The process of receiving funds varies from state to state. In general, schools visit their state’s dept of education to complete the needed forms which are generally due between June and September for the following year.
For more information, go to the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education website.

Gradelink is a member of ClassWallet which distributes EANS funds in the following states:
- Arkansas
- Florida
- Georgia
- Indiana
- Massachusetts
- South Carolina
If you have a ClassWallet account, you can upload copies of invoices for the state to pay. The state is able to log in to view the invoices and pay the vendor through the portal. More information, visit classwallet.com.